Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pick a Day and Time for Caleb

When will Caleb come? Who knows! So, take your best guess. Add a comment and make your guess public for all to see. Give the date and time you think Caleb will make his appearance. But, remember, he's a first baby who usually come late. The full moon will be November 13. The doctor says the due date is November 21. November 27 is Thanksgiving (if cranberries and turkey has anything to do with it). Let's see who has the closest guess.

After you make your date and time guess, being thinking about length and weight. We'll call for those predictions in a couple of weeks.


Carolyn said...

I think Caleb will be born on Nov. 22 at 3:00 a.m.

T said...

I guess Nov 23 at 1:44pm. Welcome to the blogging world. I am a friend of Lydia and Jon. :)

The Norvells said...

December 1....hahaha, just kidding. I'm gonna guess Nov 24 at 3:15 in the morning!

Margie said...

Nov. 23 at 7:30 am, he's going to be an early bird!

Lydia said...

Okay, all you people are just cruel, making me labor all night long!! My guess is November 21st, at 4:30pm.

Jon Norvell said...

Hmm...while I'm not hoping for an all-nighter, my guess is: November 24, 6:45am. Anyway, I'm just looking forward to getting the guy here.

Lydia said...

Ack! Even my own husband! Teresa is my only friend.

Walter H. Norvell said...

I'll weigh in, too. I think Caleb will come Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 6:15 p.m. He'll spend the rest of his life being late for dinner. -Walter

KarenD said...

Well, I like your due date because then the cousins will be exactly 9 months apart! And then you'll have that weekend that people can come and no one has to worry about work, and then whoever plans to take off work can take those first few days off the week of Thanksgiving and then have the whole week off. (I don't really know who I'm referring to except maybe the grandmas. I can be there anytime... the beauty of freelance.)

Time? Well, I thought starting labor in the morning and then having a baby in the evening went well... a full day for sure! So, I predict, um, er, oh, let's say 7:30 p.m. And hopefully the cafeteria will still be open so you can EAT!

Tricia Welch said...

I'll be different and guess early...November 18 at 4:31pm. Trust me, you'll probably be ready early!

Sunshine said...

All great guesses... but I'm going with Nov. 27th at 9:30 pm! Let me know when I win! :)

MamaTeeThree said...

I think I'm going to go with November 16 at 1:50 PM. Mostly because that's my birthday, but also because my first born came nearly a week early (all of mine did), and he was born at 1:50 PM. So that's my official guess.

(I'm Lydia's cousin.)

Walter H. Norvell said...
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Walter H. Norvell said...

Okay, I will try this again. Ithink Caleb will make his debut on November 26th at 12:15a.m. -Mary

Leanna said...

Hmmmm...Nov. 22nd at 4:45 p.m. That way we don't have to wake up early, but we can get off work early! =)